The Green Read project aims to provide a set of competences to young people, their schools, employers and other stakeholders to better prepare young people to compete in the Green and Ecological labor market.
One of the main goals of our project is to guide young people, YECs, VETS, TVETs and HE institutions to develop a successful career readiness path that would contribute to green career development.
The Objectives of the Green Read project are:
- To raise awareness among young people towards the transitioning into a green economy;
- Improve necessary skills and competences of young people in order to support their own green jobs career;
- Improve necessary skills and competences of YECs, VETs, TVETs and HEIs in order to support young people’s green jobs career readiness process;
- To support YECs, VETs, TVETs and HEIs to adopt responsive and environmentally-driven skills in their current curricula;
- To provide a long-term vision in relation to EU green legislation to the main target groups.
The project consist of 4 Work packages:
- WP1: Project management
- WP2: development of a report about green skills response strategies for job career readiness
- WP3: digital training material on green jobs career readiness skills with a try out session
- WP4: Exploitation and Dissemination