The Mooc4Tutors project aims to support tutors and freelance educators in gaining more pedagogical competencies, enhance their professional practice and expand their skills and knowledge about pedagogical, innovative, and inclusive approaches in teaching and learning.
The aim of the project is to create tools and develop resources for enhancing tutor’s continuous professional development and learning. Moreover, we will create supportive materials for the practical implementation of learning techniques for tutors containing ready-to-use worksheets, model session plans and learning how to learn toolbox.
The main results of the project will be developed as follows:
- “Tutoring in Europe” Booklet which will list the needs and requirements of tutors in Europe, cover the legal framework and consists of a literature and research review and in-depth survey/interviews.
- MOOC for tutors: The MOOC will consist of 6 independent modules with interactive resources and practical activities to foster their teaching approach and performance.
- Learner-centred syllabus: this tool will summarise all essential information contained in the MOOC.
The learning material will be accompanied with a set of necessary support material for tutors. These ready-to-use materials (factsheets, adaptation checklist, 10 model session plans and 10 worksheets, toolkits) will provide information, offer activities, empower tutor’s practice and equip them with useful tools. Thanks to these materials, tutors could benefit from continuous professional development which is very important to deliver quality teaching and training.